Monday, August 22, 2011

How to Mobilize the Tribal Chiefs of Afghanistan against the Taliban

By Con George-Kotzabasis
There is a great possibility of replicating the Surge in Afghanistan with the following economic-political-military strategy: To shift the estuary of the stream of revenue from narcotics from the Taliban’s and narco-lords’ mouths to the government mouth with the aim to feed the hungry mouths of the tribal chiefs of Afghanistan. That is, to nationalize the poppy industry and make the tribal chiefs of Afghanistan the direct equity holders of the income that accrues from the production of opium. Such a policy will create a powerful self-interest and lead to a Tribal Chief’s awakening that will be more widespread and potent than the Iraqi one, since it will mobilize the whole country, through its tribal chiefs, against the Taliban and the narco-lords.
Thus U.S. forces will not have to go to a wild goose chase of serendipity to get “their lucky break.”
This idea was floated by me in a paper of mine on October 2008.